
The Craft
Where have I learned this?

Auditioning On Camera: An Actor’s Guide
by Joseph Hacker

I took several classes from Joe in college at USC; at the time, there was nothing like this taught at the university level. I attribute much of what I know about being in front of the camera directly to what Joe shared. His book appears to cover many of the same topics.


Acting in Film
by Michael Caine

A seminal work considered by many to be “the bible” on how to do this stuff; I read this while I lived and worked as an actor in LA.



Nancy Duarte

Nancy Duarte

When I saw her talk at WDS 2012, I almost cried: listening to how there was a “formula” to being an amazing communicator was a bit mind-blowing and energizing all at the same time. She’s written books and has a TED talk on this topic.



The Technical Side
Where do I go and who do I trust?


Primarily they deal with pro video hosting, but also have topics covering everything from audio to lighting; also has a forum and a very active community

Caleb Wojcik – DIY Video Guy

How-to guide, podcast, and videocast; also a good friend. Very talented guy.

Wes Wages

Great email course; specializes in shooting events

Steve Stockman

How to shoot video that doesn’t suck! (that about says it all, right?)


What do I use?

Cameras – you can spend $200 or $2000


Sound – we’ll put up with bad video if this is good


Editing – I like to keep this simple, so have been doing more on my phone


Uploading and Storage – do *not* store video on your website

  • YouTube (free video hosting/player)
  • Vimeo (free and premium video hosting/player)
  • Wistia (premium video hosting/player)
  • Amazon S3 (video hosting – bit more complicated, but if you want more control or other options)




Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase, a small commission is sent to me. No additional amount is added to your purchase; this percentage comes out of the amount you pay to the company. I have only recommended people I know or have learned from, and items that I have personally used and liked. Any questions, just let me know.